Among Swift’s data types, there are three basic collection types, which are: 1. Array; 2. dictionary; 3. Set. All three data types are available in other languages, such as in Java: List, Map, and Set, and also in C++’s STL libraries.
Based on this, this article will not describe the characteristics of these types (e.g. elements in a Set cannot be duplicated), but will focus on how to use these types in Swift. Let’s start with lists - Arrays
Array Declaration
Declare an integer array
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var array1:[Int] var array2:Array<Int>
Of course, we can also initialize at the same time as the declaration, such as:
var array1:[Int] = [1, 2, 3]
Array initialization
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var array1 = [] var array2 = Array() var array3 = [1,2,3] var array4 = Array(arrayLiteral: 1,2,3)
For cases where you need to assign a value repeatedly, you can also use:
var array3 = [String](repeating: "Hello", count: 10)
Or a number:
var array4 = Array(repeating: 1, count: 10)
In contrast to other languages, a loop statement specifically designed for initialization is omitted.
Determine how many elements are in Array
Note: count is a property and not a method
Determine if Array is empty
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if array1.isEmpty { print("array1 为空数组") }
Note: IsEmpty is a property not a method
Merge the two arrays
To merge two arrays, you can add the two arrays directly with a “+” sign
var array1 = [1,2,3]+[4,5,6]
Gets an element in the array
Directly with subscript
var a = array1[0]
Of course, it is also possible to assign values, such as:
array1[0] = 100
Takes a subset of the elements in an array, and the result is an array of the same type
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var array = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] var subArray = array[0...3]
You can also assign a value directly to a subset, such as:
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var array = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] array[0...3] = [11,22,33,44]
Append one or more elements
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//Appends an element to the array array.append(10)
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//Appends a set of elements to the array array.append(contentsOf: [11,12,13])
Inserts one or more elements into a specific location
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// Inserts an element to a location in the array array.insert(0, at: 0)
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// Inserts a set of elements to a position in the array array.insert(contentsOf: [-2,-1], at: 0)
Deletes one or more elements at the specified location
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// Removes an element at a location in the array array.remove(at: 1)
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// Removes the element at the first position in the array array.removeFirst()
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// Removes the element in the last position array.removeLast()
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// Remove First Elements Parameter is the number of elements to remove array.removeFirst(2)
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// Remove Last Elements Parameter is the number of elements to remove array.removeLast(2)
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// Removes an element in scope array.removeSubrange(0...2)
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// Remove all elements array.removeAll()
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// Modify an element in scope array.replaceSubrange(0...2, with: [0,1])
Note: This substitution operation contains a delete operation at the same time, because there are only two alternate elements and three positions
Determine if an element exists
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if array.contains(1){ print(true) }
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// Gets the maximum value in the array arraySort.max()
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// Gets the minimum value in the array arraySort.min()
Iterates through array elements
You can iterate through array elements directly with the for statement
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for item in array { print(item) }
It can also be iterated using subscripts
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for index in array.indices{ print(array[index]) }
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// Sort from largest to smallest let arraySort = array.sorted(by: >)
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// Sort from smallest to largest let arraySort = array.sorted(by: <)