This article describes the initialization methods of List in Python and makes a simple comparison of the performance of these methods.
Install Minikube on Apple Silicon M1 Mac
Minikube is often used to build local kubernetes development environments, and this article describes how to install Minikube on a computer with apple Silicon M1.
Git - deletes the files in the scratchpad
If you accidentally commit an unwanted file to the git scratchpad, you can delete the file from the scratch area with the git rm command. For example, if you accidentally submit a file called: test.js you can execute a command:
1 | git rm --cache test.js |
If you want to delete a directory, you need to add the -r parameter. For example, to delete a directory named : target, this can be done:
1 | git rm -r --cache target |
Ubuntu 20.04 中安装 Jenkins
本文演示如何在 Ubuntu 20.04 中安装 Jenkins 服务器。
在 k8s 中使用 Ingress Nginx
本文演示如何在 K8s 集群中使用 Ingress Nginx 的功能,完成对应用内容的路由。
在 k8s 中部署 ELK 日志系统
本文演示如何在 K8s 集群中安装 ELK 日志框架, 实现对集群中节点日志的统一处理。
为 Nginx 服务器配置 HTTPS 证书
使用 HTTPS 协议进行网络通讯已经成为了现代网站,API接口的标配。本文演示如何为 Nginx 服务器配置 HTTPS。
The Basic Settings of LogBack
In Java (Spring Boot) applications, the LogBack logging framework is often used to log, or it can be simplified with @Slf4j annotations in Lombok. To customize the output of the log, a configuration file named logback.xml is typically configured in the project.
How to get the IP address and port of the server in the servlet
In a servlet, you can obtain the IP address and port of the server by using the following methods.
1 | InetAddress iAddr = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); |
在 Ubuntu 20.04 中安装 k8s 集群
In this article, we use three hosts(cloud or vhost) to build a kubernetes cluster on Ubuntu 20.04.